Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can Have Healthy Pregnancy with diabetes?

Having a healthy pregnancy with diabetes can really be a dream with many, but it is possible and the purpose of this article is to establish the claim. Pregnancy period, otherwise known as gestational period, covers the growth of baby in the uterus from fertilization until birth. It also includes the conception and formulation of a plan or idea in the mind about the pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is defined as that discovered when you are pregnant. Getting pregnant by ignoring the gestational diabetes signs implies many additional increased risks like miscarriage, stillbirth and birth defects with your baby. However, if you pay constant care before conception, you can avoid many risks. Normal pregnancy reduces insulin sensitivity because of diabetogenic effects of placental hormones. This effect is maximal in the late second and third trimesters.

There are many cases of women with pre-acquired diabetes. With such condition, the mother should be cautious against the complications that may arise when she gets pregnant. This will reduce the risk of birth defects for babies. Also it will be safe for you if you are decided to control your pre-acquired diabetes as First Aid action before you get pregnant. With this awareness, you can prevent serious birth defects in the brain and spinal cord. Nowadays, most women of child bearing age can realistically expect motherhood for healthy children with intensive glycemic control.

Bad effects of pregnancy with diabetes:
Being pregnant and diabetic can create problems to the mother and fetus. If you ignore the control of blood glucose in general, it may lead to menstrual problems and difficulty in conceiving. If you are pregnant, that condition itself worsens your diabetic control and causes certain complications to develop in your body. Maternal diabetes is also hazardous for the fetus with increased risk and major congenital malformations.

Plan yourself for healthy pregnancy:
To prevent abortion and congenital malformations of diabetic mothers, awareness program and proper education should begin before conception. There are no specific contraceptive methods, but you can have treatment for your gestational diabetes. Whenever you achieve a stable sugar control, the contraception can be discounted and hence, you are safe to get pregnant. Gestational diabetes risks for the mother and the baby should be avoided at any cost. For this simple reason, you need not go a long way worrying with anxiety for healthy pregnancy.

Tips to have healthy pregnancy with diabetes:
• Careful blood glucose monitoring and proper treatment in advance can ensure you a healthy baby when you conceive.
• If you are taking oral medications, you need a switch over to insulin before and after pregnancy.
• If you are already a declared diabetic, you need to consult your doctor and plan accordingly for healthy pregnancy.
• Careful planning and preconception care alone can allow the diabetic woman to have a problem free and healthy pregnancy.
• Having gestational diabetes diet plan with multivitamin and folic acid can ensure you a healthy pregnancy.

If you control your diabetes before you get pregnant, you can make yourself fit for a healthy pregnancy. If you want to be hundred percent safe in this regard, you should know the description of foods to eat AND foods to control diabetes for a healthy pregnancy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to conceive a baby boy – 3 Useful Tips

Many people are seeking answers for 'How to conceive a baby boy?' and 'Is it possible to conceive a baby boy as desired?'. The sure answer for the second question is 'yes'. You may suspect and feel reluctant to accept this answer at the outset. Also, you might have come across some suggestions that you can try to augment your probability of success in having a baby boy. Here, you have a few useful tips to boost the odds of conceiving a baby boy to more than 80% success. The hidden secret lies with the diet you eat, the time you choose to conceive and selected sexual positions with your spouse.

Choose specific diet to conceive:
It is from recent studies that women who consume foods for 2,000 calories or more daily without missing breakfast have better chance to conceive a baby boy. Just having breakfast daily and increased calories of foods cannot suffice the need for the purpose. You will need a pretty low PH or alkaline foods and omit acidic foods. Also, you should eat foods like strawberries, bananas, figs, apricots, and anything else with higher natural salt content and potassium content. Baked potato skins are also very good for you if you want to conceive a boy.

Choose right time to conceive:
The date of ovulation has to be considered to avoid conceiving a baby girl when you aim for a baby boy. It is noteworthy that male sperm can't live longer because of their genetic nature. Since they are weaker than the female sperm, you must be ready to conceive on the day you ovulate or the day next so that these weak guys are not held waiting for the egg to fertilize. If you are even early by a day or two, the chance is low for success to conceive a baby boy. In this regard, you should confirm your ovulation date by saliva test or urine test.

Have right sexual positions to conceive:
There are two types of sperm chromosomes called X (Girl) and Y (Boy). The former are stronger but slowly moving while the later are weaker but fast moving. If you want to conceive a boy, the Y sperm should be helped to reach the egg first. If the Y sperm are placed in the vaginal track closer to the eggs, they have relatively more chance to perform their role to conceive a boy by surpassing the X sperm.

Many of you may not believe this concept about the fertilizing characteristics of the sperm. Indeed, the predicting baby gender is determined by the way by which the boy sperm reach and fertilizes the egg first. Some sperm are faster in movement and others have low speed in flow on the way towards the ovum. This advantage and weakness of the sperm determine the sex of baby. Here, you have the best known positions for your choice to conceive a boy.

1.The best position is rear entry in which the woman should lie on her stomach with the knees in sitting position.
2.Alternatively, the woman shall be sitting up with the knees bent on the edge of the bed.
3.The woman shall bend up and hold her knees for allowing proper penetration.
4.The woman shall place her legs at the man's shoulders to ensure deep penetration.
5.The woman shall bend up like a bow laid on pillows for sharp and deep penetration.

These are just the probable could of the tips you can use to increase chances to conceive a boy baby. Also you should know first how to get sure pregnancy and then chances to conceive a girl baby.