Thursday, November 18, 2010

Conceive a Baby Boy or Baby Girl – Shoot the Target Right

Are you not sure of determining the gender of the baby you want to conceive? That is the natural anticipation of any woman when trying to get pregnant. The couple gets frustrated when their ambition is not up to reality. Also, they are sometimes with ‘much ado about many things’. Though it is nature’s gift, the secret of conceiving a baby boy or baby girl is in your hands if you are newly wed-locked. If you agree with these words, I’m sure to help you with guidelines on how o conceive a boy or girl as you desire.

One of the simplest ways is to choose the right sex positions to help conceiving a boy or girl. The method of choosing the right position of sex role supports the sperm and ovum to fix the gender of the unborn baby. The life expectancy of the male sperm and female ovum has significant role in the determination of the sex of the baby. A male produces X chromosomes (for Girl baby) and Y chromosomes (for Boy baby) simultaneously. The sex position is insisted to support specific spermatozoa to fertilize the ovum as desired.

Sex positions to conceive a baby boy

For conceiving baby boy, the male sperm needs to be placed very close to the cervix. This is in support of the Y spermatozoa to stay alive inside the vaginal acidic environment. For this, the woman lying down on her stomach helps the sperms to get into deeply and stay close to the cervix. Using a pillow to raise the pelvic region can be an additional support to keep the sperms closer for conceiving a boy. The missionary position for the female by putting the legs on the shoulders of the man can also be supporting to conceive a boy.

Sexual positions to conceive a baby girl

It is a good idea that the sperms are deposited as far off the cervix as possible so that the sperms with Y chromosomes (short distance swimmers) stay away and lose vigor for fertilizing. The X chromosomes being long distance swimmers overtake the Y counterpart and reach the cervix to fertilize the ovum with a girl baby. The recommended sex position for this is the traditional missionary position with the woman on her back and man on top. The penetration is less and the Y sperms are staying off to die before they reach the cervix. Spoon position in which the man and woman lie down on their sides is also helping to conceive girl baby.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Get Pregnant Fast? – 3 Steps to Support Pregnancy

‘How to get pregnant?’ and ‘will I ever get pregnant fast?’- These are tough questions interrogated by a woman who is devoid of pregnancy chance following wedlock. Keeping off the ‘dream day’ makes a different theme. But if any woman with all aspirations for fast pregnancy goes on dreaming for ‘dream baby’, the situation of delaying to conceive sooner cannot be digested by any couple. The delay to become a ‘would be mother’ may be anxiety making with the parents too.

Delayed pregnancy or getting not pregnant may be accounted with various reasons. Whatever may be the reason, it is a problem creating situation among the couple. Internal problems within the family such as misunderstanding, ill treating the partner, blaming the other partner, and getting depressed with the inability for conceiving may arise. To the worst of all, either one of the partners may be compelled to seek a way out from family life by approaching court for divorce. So, it would be very bad if you were not conceiving earlier than you thought of. It could be a nice thing if steps were taken for conceiving fast and breaking anxieties of people around you in your family. That way, you have to mind the following tips to get pregnant fast. The under mentioned tips are very simple to keep but you should have faith and confidence. A good attitude to achieve certain things can be boosting chances to conceive a baby.

Physical exercise

Performing some exercises is recommended to boost your body for getting pregnancy as you anticipate. Simple exercises like mild walking and Sit-Stand body movement can help you clear off unnecessary trash deposited in your body due to over eating that happens frequently. Choosing cardiovascular exercise on daily basis will help you burn excess carbohydrate storage in your body. If you are slim and silky you will have more chance to update your health for early pregnancy.
Breathing exercise

Making deep breathing with relaxed intervals can relax your body and mind helping to get pregnant rapidly. Deep breath is good for relieving stress formed in your body and mind due to various reasons. Stress free mind is the angel’s workshop to produce better things in your system.

Alternative medicine

Acupuncture and acupressure, otherwise styled as Asian Alternative Medicine, are nowadays gaining popularity. You can get positive results using alternative treatment to enhance chance for geared pregnancy for a woman.