Many people don't give importance to sex positions in family life when trying to get pregnant fast. Though sex positions are not the prime factors, they do contribute in effecting fast pregnancy, and so the couples need to think a while when it comes to have a delay in getting pregnant. Indeed, improper sex positions during intercourse can make the spouses depressed when the pregnancy is not confirmed.
So let us get into discussion concerning pregnancy and sex positions. First, it requires two factors to bear in mind to conceive. The wrong calculation of ovulation period being the prime factor, the improper sex position is also taken into account for delayed pregnancy. The number of times the couple has intercourse successfully is one more factor associated to our concern.
The medical research has proven that the ejaculation of sperm cells once or twice cannot fertilize the female eggs. Successful fertilization requires proper sex position. Finding it hard to have intercourse due to old age is not our concern. It may really be confusing to decide the best sex position because it can be so dilemmatic to any couple to avoid helpless positions during intercourse. Here is a brief description of sex positions that are not helping the couple to get pregnancy. Such positions of having intercourse should rightly be listed off to avoid delay in getting pregnant.
Back position: Having sex intercourse from behind the female requires not only additional effort but even seems fruitless in fertilizing the female eggs. Due to tough movement of the sex organs in this position, premature ejaculation occurs. The male sperms are mostly held away with no chance for fertilizing the female eggs. So, this position is not recommended.
L-shape position: In this position, the body and the legs of the male are adjusted to L-position in which the ejaculation cannot be forceful to reach the female eggs. So, this position which is more or less similar to back position should be avoided.
Standing position: Standing position may be thought convenient but not so easy in practice. The sex organs cannot have easy meet for sexual sharing. Indeed, it is impossible to try intercourse in standing position. This position will not be helping the sperms for a downward flow to fertilize the female egg.
Best position to follow: Any position in which there is chance for deep penetration into the female organ can help the male sperms reach female egg cells and effect confirmed fertilization.