Thursday, February 3, 2011

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy – Ways to Minimize

There are many problems of physical and psychological concerns when a woman gets pregnant. Until a pregnancy is achieved and confirmed, a woman has to experience anxieties because getting pregnant is a miracle to many. After feeling first signs of pregnancy, the woman has to prepare herself to tolerate many problems connected with carrying a ‘Foreign body’ though it is a pleasure for her. Among those, morning sickness during pregnancy is one which may differ with individuals in nature and level.

Though it is considered as a problem, it is mostly expected by a woman to feel because it can be one of the sure signs of pregnancy in general. It is also not necessarily to feel during morning alone. Practically, morning sickness can be felt at any time of the day – even until laid on bed after supper. But, the most probable chance to experience nausea is during the first trimester of pregnancy. The pregnancy sickness during morning may last until the end of the second trimester. Exceptionally, the physical imbalance can extend until the very last spell, the forth.

The good news is that nausea, the morning sickness during pregnancy, may not occur in some women. It is mostly a chance and luck that pregnancy is followed by morning sickness. Even if it occurs, the body’s condition is simply a physical inconvenience which is not included in the list of physical disease or ailment. However, following signs and symptoms of pregnancy, taking prenatal pill as suggested by a professional OG may cause nausea. If it is consulted with the doctor, she may prescribe some vitamins as a different form of pills. It is warned that keeping off the pills without consulting your doctor may not be suggestible though you feel the pills cause morning sickness.

Ways to minimize morning sickness:

You have a few ways to minimize the feeling of this ‘feminine sickness’ that may not work with similar results in all women. However, the under mentioned are the simple guidelines to keep yourself free from morning sickness following pregnancy.

• Relax for a while by being laid on bed or by watching a television shows

• Divert your mind to some musical melodies in which your body yields to a change of dizziness

• Take a cup of warm water in empty stomach before you take coffee to start your day

• Avoid smelling things not coping with your condition

• Take lemon juice with added sugar in moderation

• Consuming some pregnancy pops may also be helping you to soften nausea

Though these are just the ways to keep of morning sickness, the choice may differ with different women to work.

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